
Virtual Horseless Show Registration

Welcome Students to our first ever Horseless Horse Show!

If you were on the schedule when all this craziness went down, you are invited to participate. This show is open to all of our current riding students. We will run classes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday until this silly stay at home order is lifted and y’all can come out and horse around some more.

How does this work?

  1. We will post the requirements or pattern each day there is a class to our website and send an email to all registered students.
  2. You will take a video of your ‘ride’ and then upload the video to our website. You have 2 days to upload your video.
  3. Our Instructors Gina, Nico, and Jessica will judge your performance.
  4. Results will be posted to the Website, sent out in an email, and posted to Facebook and Instagram!

When Registering, please use an email you or your parents check regularly!

*You must have your Parent's Permission to participate in this show as videos and images/screenshots will be posted to Casperey's Facebook and Instagram pages.

Have questions or need help?